Monday, March 16, 2009

In the words of the Pointer Sisters...

I'm so excited! And I just can't hide it...

I got weird looks last night at the Homeschool Meeting because I admitted to having dreams about CVS.
Okay. So, you're right. It was weird.
(I still think that Julie has had them too, she just won't fess up to it.)

I've started taking this thing seriously. I even have all my coupons listed by category in a Word document that I update weekly so I don't have to go through each one to see what I need.

Again, weird.

This CVS thing is beginning to pan out!
Take for instance this morning.
I was out anyway, so I stopped by to get 5 things.
Here's how it went:
Irish Spring 15 ounce body wash for $4.99 AND get $4.99 BACK in EB's! So, FREE.
Colgate 4.6 oz max white toothpaste for $2.99 (on sale) AND get back $2.99 in EB's! So, FREE - AGAIN!
Had a coupon for 15 pc. Big Red Gum regularly $1.19. Yes, FREE!!
Giant Gluestics were 1/2 off, so I got them for $1.25 each and I splurged and got Lacy and Katelynn the Rainbow Sparkle Egg Coloring Kit for $2.99.
In the end, I used $13.00 in EB's from my last shopping trip, got back $7.98 in EB's for my next trip and only spent $0.54!!!

So, again I will sing...

I'm so excited! And I just can't hide it!
Yes, I know that I am weird,
but I think I like it!!


  1. I do dream about this stuff - but it is usually humiliation when I get to the cash register and find that I actually spent more money trying to save money. I do like CVS's ECBs. I have one right now in my pocket saved for $2 off Kaitlyn's foundation - we just have to get over there and pick it up.
    Here is a GREAT blog that tells you all about CVS and Walgreens deals - just search her categories -

  2. What are ECBs? I love coupons but I don't know this term.

  3. CVS offers Extra Cash Back when you buy certain products. For example, this month, if you buy $15 of Dove products, you will receive $5 in ECB's to use your next shopping trip. You have to have a CVS card to receive them.

  4. OK OK! I confess! YES! I have dreamed about CVSing! Yeeesh! Feel better now? :)
    Don't forget about the manufacturers Coupons. I had a $35 bill, used $7.50 in MFC's then paid the rest in ECB's. So I paid OOP $1.45 (cash.) Donnie doesn't even cringe anymore when he sees the CVS bags. Side Note: Remember your war story and the nasty cashier who wouldn't honor the Charmin? Was her name Nikki? Well,she works at the CVS by Sav A Lot too and there wasn't anyone there to back me & my $3 off coupon for Herbal Essence. She scammed me! grrrrrrrrr!
